Welcome to my personal website!

I am a postdoc at the Institute for Quantum Computing Analytics (PGI-12) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, where I am working on quantum algorithms and quantum simulation. I am also a contributor to the Julia packages QAOA.jl and KadanoffBaym.jl. In 2021, I obtained my PhD in the group for condensed-matter and many-body theory at the University of Bonn. Both my Master's and Bachelor's degrees are from ETH Zurich.


Quicopt - Helmholtz Field Study Fellowship

We are part of the 2024 Batch of the Helmholtz Enterprise program.

Quicopt is developing optimization software inspired by quantum physics to efficiently solve combinatorial optimization problems. This technology aims to help companies in various industries improve business decisions and reduce costs. The software addresses a key need for powerful solutions to complex optimization tasks.




Tim Bode @ PGI-12